
“Estaba constantemente cachondo y me masturbaba continuamente. Le hacía el amor a Lydia y luego por la mañana volvía mi casa y me masturbaba. El pensamiento del sexo como algo prohibido me excitaba más allá de toda razón. Era como un animal aplastando a otro hasta la sumisión. Cuando me corría sentía como si fuera en la cara de todo lo decente, blanca esperma resbalando por las cabezas y almas de mis padres muertos. Si hubiera nacido mujer seguro que hubiera sido prostituta. Como había nacido hombre, anhelaba constantemente mujeres, cuanto más guarras mejor. Y sin embargo las mujeres, las buenas mujeres, me daban miedo porque a veces querían tu alma, y lo poco que quedaba de la mía, quería conservarlo para mí. Básicamente deseaba prostitutas porque eran duras, sin esperanzas, y no pedían nada personal. Nada se perdía cuando ellas se iban. Pero al mismo tiempo soñaba con una mujer buena y cariñosa, a pesar de lo que me pudiera costar. De cualquier manera estaba perdido. Un hombre fuerte pasaría de ambos tipos. Yo no era un hombre fuerte. Así que continuaba bregando con las mujeres, con la idea de las mujeres.”

Charles Bukowski
Extracto de Women (1978)


Las finanzas deben estar al servicio de la comunidad

Las finanzas deben estar al servicio de la comunidad. Los plutócratas no deben formar un Estado dentro del Estado. En el área de la política social nuestro principio debe ser: el bien general es la ley suprema.

Debemos juzgar a una economía desde el punto de vista del provecho que en la práctica proporciona al pueblo y no partiendo de una teoría. Así, si alguien nos dice: Miren, tengo una teoría económica maravillosa, debemos responderle: ¿Qué provecho se le puede sacar? Esto es lo decisivo. La teoría no debe interesar en modo alguno, nos debe interesar únicamente el provecho, pues las personas no están al servicio de la economía, sino la economía al servicio de las personas.

Los créditos, además de que significan una carga de intereses, implican depender políticamente de fuerzas extrañas a la nación. Los intereses devoran la capacidad de ahorro de un pueblo.


(...) Idea de tahur la del ex ministro Benítez sobre el impuesto fructuario al juego. Otros gobernantes han hecho de sus países verdaderos garitos donde se roba, se hacen trampas, se asesinan, como tahúres.

Aquí en el Paraguay no vencieron ellos. Los vencí yo. Destruí sus ventajas de tahúres clandestinos por la contraventaja de saber que son miserables tahúres. Conozco la marca de cada naipe que juegan. Sé de qué libros han sido arrancados. Oigo el galope del caballo de copas. Tengo en mis manos los cuatro ases: El de basto en mis manos, garrote de mi poder. El de oro en las arcas del Estado. El de copas en que darles de beber la hiel y el vinagre a los traidores. El de espadas para podarles la cabeza. este es mi juego de truco. En él yo banco el triunfo a sangre fría, sin trucos de ninguna especie.(...)

Yo el supremo
Augusto Roa Bastos


Hook Placement Fail

Hook Placement Fail: "

epic fail

Picture by: dunno source Submitted by: dunno source via Fail Uploader


Egypt Announces Find of Ancient Cat Goddess Temple

Egypt Announces Find of Ancient Cat Goddess Temple: "

HAMZA HENDAWI writes in the AP via Yahoo News:

CAIRO — Archaeologists have unearthed a 2,000-year-old temple that may have been dedicated to the ancient Egyptian cat goddess, Bastet, the Supreme Council of Antiquities said Tuesday. The ruins of the Ptolemaic-era temple were discovered by Egyptian archaeologists in the heart of the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great in the 4th century B.C.

Cat Goddess Ancient Egypt

The city was the seat of the Greek-speaking Ptolemaic Dynasty, which ruled over Egypt for 300 years until the suicide of Queen Cleopatra. The statement said the temple was thought to belong to Queen Berenice, wife of King Ptolemy III who ruled Egypt in the 3rd century B.C.

Mohammed Abdel-Maqsood, the Egyptian archaeologist who led the excavation team, said the discovery may be the first trace of the long-sought location of Alexandria’s royal quarter. The large number of statues depicting Bastet found in the ruins, he said, suggested that this may be the first Ptolemaic-era temple dedicated to the cat goddess to be discovered in Alexandria.

Read More: AP via Yahoo News




La formula de invocacion jamas habia sido tan escueta y de pasos tan faciles.
por mas que lo hubiese releido mil veces , era simple y aun asi , perversa.
lo unico que hacia falta para invocar al demonio era el cuerpo de una persona que nunca hubiese sentido el amor de otra persona. No especificaba mas. era asi de simple.


Quantum fluctuation. Inflation. Expansion. Strong nuclear interaction. Particle-antiparticle annihilation. Deuterium and helium production. Density perturbations. Recombination. Blackbody radiation. Local contraction. Cluster formation. Reionization? Violent relaxation. Virialization. Biased galaxy formation? Turbulent fragmentation. Contraction. Ionization. Compression. Opaque hydrogen. Massive star formation. Deuterium ignition. Hydrogen fusion. Hydrogen depletion. Core contraction. Envelope expansion. Helium fusion. Carbon, oxygen, and silicon fusion. Iron production. Implosion. Supernova explosion. Metals injection. Star formation. Supernova explosions. Star formation. Condensation. Planetesimal accretion. Planetary differentiation. Crust solidification. Volatile gas expulsion. Water condensation. Water dissociation. Ozone production. Ultraviolet absorption. Photosynthetic unicellular organisms. Oxidation. Mutation. Natural selection and evolution. Respiration. Cell differentiation. Sexual reproduction. Fossilization. Land exploration. Dinosaur extinction. Mammal expansion. Glaciation. Homo sapiens manifestation. Animal domestication. Food surplus production. Civilization! Innovation. Exploration. Religion. Warring nations. Empire creation and destruction. Exploration. Colonization. Taxation without representation. Revolution. Constitution. Election. Expansion. Industrialization. Rebellion. Emancipation Proclamation. Invention. Mass production. Urbanization. Immigration. World conflagration. League of Nations. Suffrage extension. Depression. World conflagration. Fission explosions. United Nations. Space exploration. Assassinations. Lunar excursions. Resignation. Computerization. World Trade Organization. Terrorism. Internet expansion. Reunification. Dissolution. World-Wide Web creation. Composition. Extrapolation?


A Second Message to all from Charles Manson, October 2007

In all my life, and where I've lived, the ways that things have come before me have set a lot of what I am, what I do, where I go, where I don't go, where I come from all around, and what I'm about. The court of my days, in my time, has become a chamber of my court in my thoughts and mind. We do what the court says, one way or the other, if we are to survive and live and have a life. I am what the court says I am, like it or not. I am the chambers of my court.

In other words, if the courts pick you up, and they take you and they get a verdict, that makes that a reality. Much more than the doctor signing your birth certificate! You are confirmed by the court as being what you are! It hasn't got anything to do with any other reality, except that the judge that sits in the court is our eye into the money.

That is said to say this: Real can only be what the court says! The court says I am a cult and its leader, like it or not. I am a dealer of life and death! What I did or did not do before, is in the wind. In other words, it doesn't matter what I did before. What the court says is what I have to do now. What the court says stands. It stands forever!

In all courts I have been in, my mind is only one chamber. The hole I came out of was prison. You can call it mother, but it was prison. Everything that is in all, is held in the prison of everything circles of what is not. And nothing holds everything! And isn't everything the prison, held to be nothing, or is it nothing being held by everything?

That's an intelligent thought, from an intelligent life form, who suffered 60 years to wake up to that axiom. When people lie to or about me, and won't let me be what I am, they end up with that judgment about themselves. (Its' got nothing to do with me! It took me a long time to wake up to that, too.) I can help a person, but not until he sees and knows, I can and will be truthful! If you know I'll be truthful, it can only be because you'll be truthful. But he first must be truthful and right with himself, with me.

What's been done to me in my will, will be the will that comes back, to and for, them. And it's my court. I am Charles. The court said so, and I was there in that will before I ever met anyone who was alive in 1969.

I have been the courts, and all that was and ever could be, and went to the Doctor and gave him my life! 'Bought the hospital with my inmate money in this prison, and was cheated and lied to about it. It WILL come back in truth, until honor and righteousness is set in its proper place. (In other words, what that means is, that I gave up a hernia operation, and laid down in a trailer and took a chance on losing my life! Because they wouldn't let me go to an outside hospital. They said it was an escape plot. So, they said they wanted to use this to go to Sacramento, to appropriate 7 million dollars, and use the notoriety of my case to make 7 million dollars from the prison fund to build this hospital. And the Doctor said if you do this, and we get the hospital, I'll give you the first broom. You'll be the tier tender. I was supposed to be the broom in the hospital. I've done this job in the federal prison, I've done it in Vacaville, and I was supposed to get a tier tender job that would be helping everybody in the hospital like I've always done.) When a person lies, he lies in and with the lies. I was told I'd get things. I'd get the first broom in the new hospital, and people thought they tricked me and the trick always comes back to the place where it starts.

Susan Atkins has been lying to those people, and who lies thinks everyone else lies. So what's happened here, the reason I am writing this letter, and sending this letter, is the doctor is under suit and everybody's on his case. And he's in court now, and he can't exist because so many lies have got on top of him. He's got the lies of the Hindu coming over and telling him he's the doctor. Because, the guy who set me on fire, you remember that? He killed his father for a Hindu Guru, who said that there was only healing from God. Then, as soon as he killed his father, the Guru got a haircut, turned around and come back like a doctor. 'Said he didn't have nothing to do with this guy. You dig? So then, when I went over for a colonoscopy, he's on top of my doctor (that gave me the hernia operation), with a lie, that's working out of some dude that killed his wife. And he's tricking this Hindu into thinking that he's a Hindu, and he's accepted that religion, that's his ultimate, you dig? And he pretended like he hung himself … and the Hindu let him out the back door in a witness program, with the other program administrator whose lying about the Christians. When he seen the Christian, lying, double-dealing preacher over here doing it, then he's just following suit towards that, and there's no truth in what they're doing, and no honor! You see it? So then the guy comes back to me because they're suing him. And they're taking his practice, and taking his life, and he can't get his hospital, and he can't get his doctor back, and he's losing his whole medical association! You dig? Because one hole in the boat's going to sink the boat! I'm trying to patch the hole in the boat so I can get my goddamned boat to float. And I can't get no righteousness going. I can't even get the damn mail out of the door. In other words, I'm having trouble just getting letters to you!

I got people who think they are taking over something. Whatever it is, it's convoluted with confusion, and lies and bullshit. And I can't get a straight line on anything in this place, man. They take my property and they do anything they want to do with my life. They run three sets of visitors off. They ran Ansome and T.J off, 'said they died.

Let me say this to you. You can't fake it. It's got to be real or it's not going to work. If it's not real and it's not true, it's simply just not going to work, man. You got to be real, you got to be righteous, you got to do it the way it's supposed to be done, and it's got nothing to do with me. Me is a word, man. Righteousness belongs to everybody. Everything that I'm saying is everyone. I'm not THE one. There is no one THE one. Everybody is the one. Everybody has the one inside of them.

"The ones who won't let me live live in & for my death which is their own - the ones who let me live live in my life which is their life for there is only one life one god one world one all is one all rain is one river all rivers are one lake all lakes are one sea all seas are water man in ATWA - got nothing to do with me - I'm a made up me by the judgements of money people."
...Charles Manson excerpt from letter April 2003

"Its hard for me to realize how people dont care or think about the pain they push over on others -they don't care about the confusion they cause pushing what they want." ...Charles Manson excerpt from a postcard April 2003